Here I just want to tell how I spent last three days.Exams were going on those three days.Exam days are the most unforgettable days in our college life because we usually remember the sad things happened to us more than the days we enjoyed. It was very difficult when we had one exam a day, now we have two per day so our condition becomes very worse.
Before exam starts we don't care about anything in the class, lectures, advice, etc... rather we used to enjoy every moment in the college.Even, when they announced the exam date also we don't take that much serious.But,suddenly our whole life style changes the day before the first exam.Day scholars begin to stay in the hostel for group studies.Some, wont took bath and some not even brush as they saving that time to study."We begin to set alarm to get up early.We usually spent more than an hour to search for the text books which we threw away when last exams got over.And for the first time in our life we call our friends for asking doubts in the subjects".
Most of us don't know the portions and some don't even know which exam is the next.And its very hard for us to cover syllabus over night.So, we will ask our friends to teach us.Those exam days will create a huge demand for the rank-holders as like they are the god to save us. We beg them to teach us. And some get promise from those "brain-boxes". And some make reservation even two days before to ensure that they will teach them that time.
Day scholars condition is more worse.No one will be there to help them. When we set our mind to study and open our book we had a strong doubt whether that question is in the syllabus or not. So, we text our friends and mark the syllabus first.Even though, we are fresh at the beginning we feel sleepy at the end of first page.We will see the clock hits "11" when we finished 5pages.When we see the pages yet to cover, fear enters into our heart.So, we call our friend to hear whether he had studied. The moment he/she replied "I didn't open the book at all",we will feel that much relaxed and happy and tap our own shoulders for covering at least those 5pages.
30minutes before the exam are the most crucial part and the deciding factor of our result. We will study as if we are going to get the gold-medal. All the staffs will be jaw-open, when they see the back-benchers studying with two books.We don't even consider the bell rang for the exam and we keep on reading. Then we take a last look at our friends and enter into the exam hall like a soldier into the battle-field.
Once, we had a glance at the questions there will be no words to describe that awkward situation.All the questions that we left as unimportant will be there.We all think about the guy who set the question- paper and use some dirty words to scold them inside.We spend the first 45minutes in the exam hall by chatting with the juniors sitting side to us, looking at the lady supervisors, dreaming about how we studied last night, etc... Then we look our friends sitting back,they show a failure sign about the exam that make us to feel comfortable and make a little smile.
Once, we got out from the exam hall, we will see many drooping faces but we are very much relieved.How hard the exams may be, We will be perplexed only at the exam hall but once the exams got over we started our usual routine of teasing, not caring of anything, enjoying the life to the core. No one can change those habits from us.However, the Hod's and teachers advised us on seeing our performance in the exams we will never put that in our ears because its our college life and we keep on enjoying every moment of our life until the next exam starts.......
this post is wonderful..u got a nice way of narratin things in a light hearted way..