
Sunday, August 29, 2010


                       This was the topic I like to speak in our "Infosys campus connect program" but unfortunately it was not accomplished there.And I take this opportunity to tell about that.

                       The person I admire the most, was not a famous film star or sportsman or a politician. Rather, he is one of our classmates. He is always cool,calm and like to learn new things. And he is none other than my friend Rajkumar. We used to call him as Raj.

                        During our first year myself, Raj were the batch mates and we used to sit together.We enjoyed a lot there.One day our english mam asked us to take seminars. As it was the first time for all of us, we were nervous. It was my turn and Somehow  I managed by making some funs in my seminar and escaped. As Raj was from tamil medium he was not so good in english at that time. So, he struggled a lot but he didn't gave up to finish that seminar.

                  In my second year, didnt know what happened to Raj, he changed his place and like to sit with Roshan. Roshan, was a malayali who don't know tamil but was too good in english and so he want to sit with him. It was good to hear that, "so we said,its well and good".But, I thought how it would be possible.We saw Raj always used to speak in simple english with Roshan and we saw him committing lot of mistakes. But, he continued to speak in that format without considering those mistakes.He never gave up by others mocking when they called him like "english peter" etc..After that he changed a lot.The first thing I noticed was that he begun to read english magazines and newspapers.
                  One day when I was in his room, I wondered to saw him hearing english songs and he also sang that hard lyrics impeccably. When I checked out his laptop, There were only english movies particularly romance movies(don't know why).When I asked about tamil movies he said, its totally waste, same centiment, same story, waste of time.... At that time I just nod my head to whatever he said  and never spoke a word in return...(but actually, why I went there was to get some tamil movies)      

                 During our third year  we went to "mysore Infosys as an IV to attend the SPARK program".After that program when they asked to us give feedback the guys who always used to speak went first. And atlast I saw a rising hand behind me. I was surprised to see Raj rising his hand, b'coz it was not our class, its the infosys and there were more than 100students. When he delivered his speech, it was like a miracle. Really, his feedback was the best among all  and he spoke with flawless language. While others gave the positive comment about the program, he had the guts to express his negative comments. And he got a loud round of applause from all of us.

                 While some of us wasted the opportunities that comes in our way, Raj created his own opportunities and make well use of it. I saw a burning fire on him.I saw him as a person who keep on improving for the last 4 years. And now, no one can say that  he was the Raj I met 4years before.B'coz, now  he was the man of confidence who can speak english fluently."Everyday, he was one inch better than the previous day". It surprised all of us a lot to see how well he was improved.And I am very glad to see my friend improving in his life.

                                                                "KEEP GOING RAJ"


  1. Even i too noticed him... speaking very fluently in GD fine tuning session

    I hope this post would be an eye opening for many,
    it was for me.

  2. this is a very nice post..i first thought that this was abt saji sir or tina mam since it had some highlights abt the campus connect pgm..but this is a real surprise..rather a fine one..
    good post..:)
