
Sunday, August 22, 2010


               Its my pleasure to write this post. Here I just want to mention one of  the good things happening in our class. yeah! Its the b'day celebrations of our fellow class-mates.

                 When we joined in this college we didnt know each other. As the time passes, each one of us found their own friends.So, what really happened was that if there was a b'day celebration, he/she would invite the friends belonging to his/her gang. It was like a cold-war among the gangs in our class.

              Then, we progressed to second year. Some people in our class,  who really cares for the unity of our class took some  remedial measures like meetings in the hostel, compromise etc...But, all in vain.Only the gang celebrations proceeded.

            At the same time, the  people who needs the class to be one and not to be sepearated by gangs had never gave up even after they were mocked and shamed by some of  the fellow mates. Ah!!! It seems You all eager to know who were that "PEACE -PIGEONS"... here is the clue for two of them.... A guy who loves NCC  more than the WEB-TECHNOLOGY CLASS and the other one is a zero-watts BULB but it brightens like a SUN. Hope,you figure out them. 

              Finally, the day came when we all celebrate the birthday of one of our friend all together. It was a nice celebration for all of us. It nearly takes two good years for us to realize , how much enjoyment we missed in that two years.Then, what happened was that whenever a boy/girl celebrate his/her b'day we all celebrate it together with cakes,fun, teasing (ootifying) them by writing their "CRUSH's" name on the b'day cake. And when he/she cuts the cake there will be some friends waiting to rub the cake pieces on their faces,,,,Over that, there will be some other friends who were so much eagerly waiting for the cake piece to EAT.... Uh..... full of enjoyment......

               Other than that, if the b'day is for a boy, then surely, there will be "BIRTHDAY- BUMPS",  where all of our friends will give  "POWERFUL SMASHES" on his back continuously. It will be like a DEER caught by the GANG OF LIONS". Its full of fun for all of us except for the birthday boy. Myself, had faced that situation on my b'day, when one of my friend,project-mate, VISHAL gave  two "THUNDERING BLOWS" on my back.I was screaming there like I'm going to die at that moment. But, what to do, its all in the game. I just saw my back turning into "CHILLI-RED". Then what I thought was that, I should gave that blows to someone else.

               Ah! There comes, my friend pradeep's birthday where I enjoyed a lot more than my B'day. It was that same guy vishal, who hold pradeep fimly and I gave that "THUNDERING BLOWS" back to him. I saw his back tuning to "BLOOD-RED".I was very much happy at that time to see his back worse than mine. There after we didnt miss anyone of our classmate's b'day. We all together enjoyed the celebrations.

               What I like to point out is that, there are many of my friends including me...never celebrate our birthday in our life by cutting the cakes,birthday-bumps etc...... We were so much glad to have such friends in our classes...It shows us friends are the one who really makes our life worth meaningful....When we are out of the college next year, we all will  surely miss this enjoyment what we are enjoying right now..." I bet all of you, surely, Tears will roll out of your eyes when you think about your life, without your friends."So, utilize this last-year and enjoy like you never enjoyed before.

                                                         "COLLEGE LIFE ROCKS"


  1. the NCC u mentionedAugust 26, 2010 at 4:51 PM

    thanx da machan....
    i had a sight from everyone in the cc, because of the tears came from my eyes,when i was reading this page...

  2. Control... don worry... v will b together....
