
Wednesday, August 25, 2010


                           I have never seen FINAL-CSE-"B", like this before...It was like a festival day in our class...... yup, its the "RAKSHA BANDHAN", where many of our class girls tied that rakhi in the hands of our class boys whom they feel like their brother(apadinu avangala sollikiranga).
                         There were many mis-understandings,quarrels between boys and girls before, but on that day it was like a dream final-cse"B" where both of them interacting with each other. Boys, were speechless when girls tied that rakhi in their hands. I don't know what happened to these girls, they were holding a bunch of that rakhi in their hands. "Really,I was very much keen to know, whether these girls tied b'coz they felt, that boy resembles their brother or b'coz of affection or "JUST FOR SAFETY PURPOSE" (hope it was not for that last reason)".......

                        I myself saw one of our class girls asking in the amenity center for 5 or more rakhi.I was surpised to see that she is having class full of brothers. Uh.,..........



                        Two of them tied rakhi to me...One that I expected but the other surprised me...... When I saw some of the boys with 7 or 8 rakhi in their hands.... I felt happy,relaxed and escaped b'coz that horrible situation didn't happened to me.....And some girls were saying that their brother should gave them a gift.... Thinking, only for that gifts they had tied......hoping......not like that.....

                         I could also saw some heart-broken for some of the boys when girls tied to them, which they really didn't expect.... felt sorry for them...... It was very interesting when few of the girls tied to the back-benchers which they never expect.... "They thought only for the safety-purpose they were tying those rakhi and all....."
                       And, for the first time in my life  I had presented the gifts to the girls who have tied that rakhi in my hands....Not only me....Most of the boys presented the gifts to the girls without considering the cost of the gift.... 

                          B'coz, Some of the boys thought, they had tied this 5 or 10 rupees rakhi and demanding for some gifts more worth than that....But, when we think deeply, somehow they have considered ourselves as their brother and  showed some kind of respect by tying those rakhi's in our hands. 

                       So, its not the money or gifts that plays a vital role here, its the "AFFECTION THAT MADE US TO PRESENT THOSE GIFTS". (enake ithu konjam overa thaan theriyuthu......)    

                                                "HOPE THIS BOND CONTINUES FOREVER"                     



  1. hey thambi, touch panita po! really happy tat v r doin tis 4 the past 3 years..... let it continue.... :-)

  2. hi..

    jus now read your posts..they are really are writing them from your heart..

    great job!!

    nd i am happy tht u felt sorry for wat u said in campus connect pgm..i actually didnt expect tht from any of our friends..nyway..relieved to know tht u didnt mean to..:)

    continue your good work!!

    all the best!!:):)

  3. hey good to see you blogging...
    all your posts have a blend of emotions n there s feel good factor too...
    so keep blogging....

  4. adi on the adds in my blog daily once.

  5. hi....really nice posts...
    and nice to see u writing so much...
    good job and good luck!!!
    hearty wishes!

  6. ayayayooo mudila da.....avlow nalavana ne..........but nice thing da....keep it up
