
Sunday, December 26, 2010


                      Its been a long time since my last post...  Everyone have their own dreams of getting placed in a good company.... And that dream came true in my life 2weeks before as I got placed in CTS..... I just like to share what happened on that memorable day......

                    After the written test we were waiting for the results with our fingers crossed. I just can't contol my pressures so I went home. My friend Vetri is the one texting me as they announcing the names. First ten panels got over and I said to my mom," still 30 more panels ma don worry". Vetri texted, 20 panels n still not. n I said, " machi, innum 20panels da.... 200membersla surea vanthrum da...." And , again vetri texted 30 panels n still not... BUTTERFLIES STARTED FLYING IN MY STOMACH. 31,32,33 n still no. And I politely said to my mom don worry ma "lets c wipro". 34 n not. Myself n Vetri were completely desparate. I just shaking my head n leaned on to the sofa.... My phone rings.... n its vetri......"dei..... ur name came in 36the panel... uh..... I relieved a lot. The most interestimg part is myself,sivaram,satheesh,vetri n vishal are on the same panel " We were jumping like anything n getting ready for the next day interview.

                  A Guy, who attended the interview before me told its a HR ....So,we thought we can eaily get n I'm the first one to go in our set... Before that, for the first time in my life I heard some serious instructions from my frnds.... 1st to go is Vetri.." Speak with confidence da... if its tech then try to convert the part into HR". 2nd to go is Vishal "dei...speak loud... n never lose ur pitch..whether ur answer is right or wrong". And finally,our don satheesh told.."ALL THE BEST, machi". I had a final look at my friends n enter the hall.

                  First 2mins usual intro n he glanced at my datasheet. He surprised n ask 95% in XIIth, 8.37cgpa... I said yes sir, n added I secured school first in Xth sir, with a smile. Don't know what happend to him he just said "Oh,, ok...lets a challenge.." . Your area is DBMS n OS. Immediately  I started recollecting the important questions from that. But surprisingly he asked questions from the hectic software engineering.

          He started with,1.whats s/w engineering? 2.SDLC? 3.Models of SDLC? 4.Steps in waterfall model?5.Testing? 6.Types of testing? 

                   I felt very uneasy with that damn S/W engi ques n tried to change his mind by saying,"My hobbies are blogging n cricket sir. Recently, I posted about " The power of no" (Actually. its one of my class mate's blog n I memorize that post like a strategy to impress the HR. And it was really worth for it. B'coz that post has that much sense n I should really thank her a lot). And started saying," Everyone in this world thinks "YES" is the optimistic word n "NO" is the pessimistic word.. but I would say "NO" is a optimistic word n its more powerful than "YES". Then, the HR have a strange look at me n asked, "HOW WOULD YOU SAY THAT?"  I thought I got the bigfish n started speaking what I memorized( if u want to c that post then visit this link.."THE POWER OF NO"). After that he told, "oh...nice..n interesting...".

                   But, all my strategy went wrong in that case. He started to ask technical from where he left... I just said myself ,"SEMA BUN DA"...  

             He started, 7.Black-box testing? 8.White-box testing? 9.bottom-up?10Top-down approach? 11.normalisation n types? 12.Transitive dependency?. The most surprising part is that I answered all the questions correctly. And my interview session got over.

           I went to my home n same as written vetri texted whats happening der.....he told,"dei department wise announcing da". I went to the rest-room with my mobile... I felt my heart-beat  was raised to 150 per minute. Suddenly, My Phone rings... It was vetri.... " dei.... we all got placed da.... most of our boys got placed da" At that time,I just shouted n screamed  like anything.... I just lifted my mom n made a swirl.... Everyone felt very happy in my family.......  I just enjoyed every moment in that Sleepless night.....

             Now, we are chatting..... "apadi namma ena kilichomnu RS.25,000 salary tharanga da......."

                                                          "HERE I COME, CTS"


Thursday, September 23, 2010


                We all proud of India as a land of  heritage, traditions ,diversity  and a country that produces many leaders. We are very much privileged to say ourselves as an Indian. After Independence our nation shows a rapid growth as a developing nation in each and every field. We know India is filled with more valuable  resources like  agriculture,economy,industries, IT sectors, telecommunications,imports,exports etc.. which makes our country more respectable in the eyes of other countries.

              But still now we consider ourselves as an underdog in one area, i.e.the field of sports. Yes, as a country that has the second largest population in the world could not be able to compete with nations that has one fourth of our human resources. In the Olympics 2004 , India’s Rathore bagged a silver medal in shooting and in Olympics 2008, India’s Abinavh Bindra bagged one gold medal in the same.  It arises a question that whether we are going to be proud of that one gold  or a country that is known for its large human resource could not be able to produce  more than one. It is a shame for a developing country like India to see ourselves in this kind of awkward situation.It is very sad for us to see our country resides on 44th place in the Olympics points table.

            Where happens the mistake? Cricket is the only sport that is dominating us. In India 80% of us have a craze for cricket, we love and live in it and forgetting other sports. Even our national game hockey seems to have less importance and other games are not at all shine in the brightness of cricket. As cricket gains more fans sponsors also never had a look on other games and they tends to go only for cricket.

            Even the youngsters and children are describing  their wish is to become a cricket star. When we analyze that point deeply, its all because of  the fame and popularity that cricket gives. On the players point of view, they are showing their grief towards the government as they are not equally treated well as cricketers. They even added that incentives and offers given to them are comparatively meager  than the cricketers. It arises a question “whether they are playing for nation or money?”. Its very hard to figure out the problem whether the fault is on the government or on the player's part.

        There may be only one solution to overcome this threatening problem. Our government should treat every game as equal and give par importance to all the players. And also players should feel that they are playing for their county’s pride and not for the sake of money. If this happens then there might be no way for a country like America which is one fourth of our human resource can overtake us. And there is also a part for all of us. We should promote our country’s native games to a higher level and make a awareness to all. Sponsors should come forward for the growth of unfamiliar games in our country. If all these things comes to reality then there might be no doubt that our "MOTHER INDIA"  will  ensures a top place not only in Olympics as well as in pride. I think it’s the alarming time for our country to wake and fight for its pride.


Sunday, September 5, 2010


                         Here I just want to tell how I spent last three days.Exams were going on those three days.Exam days are the most unforgettable days in our college life because we usually remember the sad things happened to us more than the days we enjoyed. It was very difficult when we had one exam a day, now we have two per day so our condition becomes very worse.

                         Before exam starts we don't care about anything in the class, lectures, advice, etc... rather we used to enjoy every moment in the college.Even, when they announced the exam date also we don't take that much serious.But,suddenly our whole life style changes the day before the first exam.Day scholars begin to stay in the hostel for group studies.Some, wont took bath and some not even brush as they saving that time to study."We begin to set alarm to get up early.We usually spent more than an hour to search  for the text books which we threw away when last exams got over.And for the first time in our life we call our friends for asking doubts in the subjects".

                         Most of us don't  know the portions and some don't even know which exam is the next.And its very hard for us to cover syllabus over night.So, we will ask our friends to teach us.Those exam days will create a huge demand for the rank-holders as like they are the god to save us. We beg them to teach us. And some get promise from those "brain-boxes". And some make reservation even two days before to ensure that they will teach them that time.

                        Day scholars condition is more worse.No one will be there to help them. When we set our mind to study and open our book we had a strong doubt whether that question is in the syllabus or not. So, we text our friends and mark the syllabus first.Even though, we are fresh at the beginning we feel sleepy at the end of  first page.We will see the clock hits  "11" when we finished 5pages.When we see the pages yet to cover, fear enters into our heart.So, we call our friend to hear whether he had studied. The moment he/she replied  "I didn't open the book at all",we will feel that much relaxed and happy and tap our own shoulders for covering at least those 5pages.

                       30minutes before the exam are the most crucial part and the deciding factor of our result. We will study as if we are going to get the gold-medal. All the staffs will be jaw-open, when they see the back-benchers studying with two books.We don't even consider the bell rang for the exam and we keep on reading. Then we take a last look at our friends and enter into the exam hall like a soldier into the battle-field.

                      Once, we had a glance at the questions there will be no words to describe that awkward situation.All the questions that we left as unimportant will be there.We all think about the guy who set the question- paper and use some dirty words to scold them inside.We spend the first 45minutes in the exam hall by chatting with the juniors sitting side to us, looking at the lady supervisors, dreaming about how we studied last night, etc... Then we look our  friends sitting back,they show a failure sign about the exam that make us to feel comfortable and make a little smile.

                     Once, we got out from the exam hall, we will see many drooping faces but we are very much relieved.How hard the exams may be, We will be perplexed only at the exam hall but once the exams got over we started our usual routine of teasing, not caring of anything, enjoying the life to the core. No one can change those habits from us.However, the Hod's and teachers advised us on seeing our performance in the exams we will never put that in our ears because its our college life and we keep on enjoying every moment of our life until the next exam starts.......

                                                                  "ENJOY THE EXAM PRESSURES"



Sunday, August 29, 2010


                       This was the topic I like to speak in our "Infosys campus connect program" but unfortunately it was not accomplished there.And I take this opportunity to tell about that.

                       The person I admire the most, was not a famous film star or sportsman or a politician. Rather, he is one of our classmates. He is always cool,calm and like to learn new things. And he is none other than my friend Rajkumar. We used to call him as Raj.

                        During our first year myself, Raj were the batch mates and we used to sit together.We enjoyed a lot there.One day our english mam asked us to take seminars. As it was the first time for all of us, we were nervous. It was my turn and Somehow  I managed by making some funs in my seminar and escaped. As Raj was from tamil medium he was not so good in english at that time. So, he struggled a lot but he didn't gave up to finish that seminar.

                  In my second year, didnt know what happened to Raj, he changed his place and like to sit with Roshan. Roshan, was a malayali who don't know tamil but was too good in english and so he want to sit with him. It was good to hear that, "so we said,its well and good".But, I thought how it would be possible.We saw Raj always used to speak in simple english with Roshan and we saw him committing lot of mistakes. But, he continued to speak in that format without considering those mistakes.He never gave up by others mocking when they called him like "english peter" etc..After that he changed a lot.The first thing I noticed was that he begun to read english magazines and newspapers.
                  One day when I was in his room, I wondered to saw him hearing english songs and he also sang that hard lyrics impeccably. When I checked out his laptop, There were only english movies particularly romance movies(don't know why).When I asked about tamil movies he said, its totally waste, same centiment, same story, waste of time.... At that time I just nod my head to whatever he said  and never spoke a word in return...(but actually, why I went there was to get some tamil movies)      

                 During our third year  we went to "mysore Infosys as an IV to attend the SPARK program".After that program when they asked to us give feedback the guys who always used to speak went first. And atlast I saw a rising hand behind me. I was surprised to see Raj rising his hand, b'coz it was not our class, its the infosys and there were more than 100students. When he delivered his speech, it was like a miracle. Really, his feedback was the best among all  and he spoke with flawless language. While others gave the positive comment about the program, he had the guts to express his negative comments. And he got a loud round of applause from all of us.

                 While some of us wasted the opportunities that comes in our way, Raj created his own opportunities and make well use of it. I saw a burning fire on him.I saw him as a person who keep on improving for the last 4 years. And now, no one can say that  he was the Raj I met 4years before.B'coz, now  he was the man of confidence who can speak english fluently."Everyday, he was one inch better than the previous day". It surprised all of us a lot to see how well he was improved.And I am very glad to see my friend improving in his life.

                                                                "KEEP GOING RAJ"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


                           I have never seen FINAL-CSE-"B", like this before...It was like a festival day in our class...... yup, its the "RAKSHA BANDHAN", where many of our class girls tied that rakhi in the hands of our class boys whom they feel like their brother(apadinu avangala sollikiranga).
                         There were many mis-understandings,quarrels between boys and girls before, but on that day it was like a dream final-cse"B" where both of them interacting with each other. Boys, were speechless when girls tied that rakhi in their hands. I don't know what happened to these girls, they were holding a bunch of that rakhi in their hands. "Really,I was very much keen to know, whether these girls tied b'coz they felt, that boy resembles their brother or b'coz of affection or "JUST FOR SAFETY PURPOSE" (hope it was not for that last reason)".......

                        I myself saw one of our class girls asking in the amenity center for 5 or more rakhi.I was surpised to see that she is having class full of brothers. Uh.,..........



                        Two of them tied rakhi to me...One that I expected but the other surprised me...... When I saw some of the boys with 7 or 8 rakhi in their hands.... I felt happy,relaxed and escaped b'coz that horrible situation didn't happened to me.....And some girls were saying that their brother should gave them a gift.... Thinking, only for that gifts they had tied......hoping......not like that.....

                         I could also saw some heart-broken for some of the boys when girls tied to them, which they really didn't expect.... felt sorry for them...... It was very interesting when few of the girls tied to the back-benchers which they never expect.... "They thought only for the safety-purpose they were tying those rakhi and all....."
                       And, for the first time in my life  I had presented the gifts to the girls who have tied that rakhi in my hands....Not only me....Most of the boys presented the gifts to the girls without considering the cost of the gift.... 

                          B'coz, Some of the boys thought, they had tied this 5 or 10 rupees rakhi and demanding for some gifts more worth than that....But, when we think deeply, somehow they have considered ourselves as their brother and  showed some kind of respect by tying those rakhi's in our hands. 

                       So, its not the money or gifts that plays a vital role here, its the "AFFECTION THAT MADE US TO PRESENT THOSE GIFTS". (enake ithu konjam overa thaan theriyuthu......)    

                                                "HOPE THIS BOND CONTINUES FOREVER"                     


Sunday, August 22, 2010


               Its my pleasure to write this post. Here I just want to mention one of  the good things happening in our class. yeah! Its the b'day celebrations of our fellow class-mates.

                 When we joined in this college we didnt know each other. As the time passes, each one of us found their own friends.So, what really happened was that if there was a b'day celebration, he/she would invite the friends belonging to his/her gang. It was like a cold-war among the gangs in our class.

              Then, we progressed to second year. Some people in our class,  who really cares for the unity of our class took some  remedial measures like meetings in the hostel, compromise etc...But, all in vain.Only the gang celebrations proceeded.

            At the same time, the  people who needs the class to be one and not to be sepearated by gangs had never gave up even after they were mocked and shamed by some of  the fellow mates. Ah!!! It seems You all eager to know who were that "PEACE -PIGEONS"... here is the clue for two of them.... A guy who loves NCC  more than the WEB-TECHNOLOGY CLASS and the other one is a zero-watts BULB but it brightens like a SUN. Hope,you figure out them. 

              Finally, the day came when we all celebrate the birthday of one of our friend all together. It was a nice celebration for all of us. It nearly takes two good years for us to realize , how much enjoyment we missed in that two years.Then, what happened was that whenever a boy/girl celebrate his/her b'day we all celebrate it together with cakes,fun, teasing (ootifying) them by writing their "CRUSH's" name on the b'day cake. And when he/she cuts the cake there will be some friends waiting to rub the cake pieces on their faces,,,,Over that, there will be some other friends who were so much eagerly waiting for the cake piece to EAT.... Uh..... full of enjoyment......

               Other than that, if the b'day is for a boy, then surely, there will be "BIRTHDAY- BUMPS",  where all of our friends will give  "POWERFUL SMASHES" on his back continuously. It will be like a DEER caught by the GANG OF LIONS". Its full of fun for all of us except for the birthday boy. Myself, had faced that situation on my b'day, when one of my friend,project-mate, VISHAL gave  two "THUNDERING BLOWS" on my back.I was screaming there like I'm going to die at that moment. But, what to do, its all in the game. I just saw my back turning into "CHILLI-RED". Then what I thought was that, I should gave that blows to someone else.

               Ah! There comes, my friend pradeep's birthday where I enjoyed a lot more than my B'day. It was that same guy vishal, who hold pradeep fimly and I gave that "THUNDERING BLOWS" back to him. I saw his back tuning to "BLOOD-RED".I was very much happy at that time to see his back worse than mine. There after we didnt miss anyone of our classmate's b'day. We all together enjoyed the celebrations.

               What I like to point out is that, there are many of my friends including me...never celebrate our birthday in our life by cutting the cakes,birthday-bumps etc...... We were so much glad to have such friends in our classes...It shows us friends are the one who really makes our life worth meaningful....When we are out of the college next year, we all will  surely miss this enjoyment what we are enjoying right now..." I bet all of you, surely, Tears will roll out of your eyes when you think about your life, without your friends."So, utilize this last-year and enjoy like you never enjoyed before.

                                                         "COLLEGE LIFE ROCKS"

Saturday, August 21, 2010


                 I like to share this post as one of my cousins asked me, "as a "DIE HARD FAN" of sachin, why you still didn't post about this cricketing legend"- "SACHIN-the god of cricket".

                We all know sachin is a legend, mastero,genius, god of cricket etc... But, few people think that he is old,he wants to retire and some saying he is not as good as how he was earlier in his career and some went to the extreme and comparing this legend with some cricketer nowadays. This post is especially for that few people.

                Let me start from his age, he is now 37+.We used to say people will become weeker as they grew older.It never suits for sachin I suppose. The good example is that sachin hits another milestone by getting 200* in ODI'S. Sachin is like a wine "he becomes stronger and sharper as the time progresses". Next, is the physical fitness. He can have a runner at that match but he refused that. All the way he runs for 50 overs. It shows his determination. people who sighted that match will never say he was 37. At any cause, he never shows his ageing. His soul eagerly wants to compete with the youngsters.Fatigue, cramps and paucity at times have been stood in his way but he crosses all the hurdles and reaches that extra-mile. Only, the brave might deserves that mile-stone and sachin really deserves that.
       Some intelligents who simply wants to crosses with sachin fans will surely put this question forward. "Is Sachin is good at captaincy?". And my answer is, "No one in this world is 100% perfect in all the fields but can perfect in what they have".Earlier,at times sachin was the captain of India and  the team struggles a lot to put even 50% wins. That time he may not good at captaincy. But, not now.We all sighted his performance as a captain for MUMBAI INDIANS in the reputed IPL. Now, my question is "Can anyone say that sachin is not good at captaincy now?". The people who knows what is cricket will surely say "NO". The person who failed to succeed in a particular field but learned from his mistake and succeed in the same field is the real GENIUS and no doubt sachin really is a genius.

    Next,is the comparision. I have a long time doubt. "Is HUMANS equals the GOD? Is STUDENT equals the MASTERS?  Is MOON equals the SUN?". If anyone says "YES" we all call them as a "FOOL, IDIOT,ILLITERATE etc.." The same is for the people who compares the GOD with anyone. We all know DON BRADMAN is the FATHER OF CRICKET. In 2003, Wisden rated Tendulkar as the No.1 and Richards at No. 2 in all time Greatest ODI player. It clears everything. At times he may not in his form. Even GENIUS commits mistakes at times but at the end, the success goes to the GENIUS.

   Recently, some of my friends used to compare DHONI,captain of INDIA with SACHIN. I can proudly say SACHIN is the BEST of all time in his batting skills."Do they have guts to say like that?" We all know Dhoni with a bat resembles a barbarian with an axe.But he is one of the better captains of INDIA. There are many captains who are better than DHONI like STEVE WAUGH,RICKY PONTING, ARJUNA RANATUNGA etc... He is one of the best, not the BEST.But, sachin is "THE BEST".  "BE BEST IN WHAT YOU ARE".
                 The above photo says everything, "We can have the wish to see the GOD, but if we wish to be the GOD it tells our Ignorance." In the same way, Dhoni can have the desire to play with sachin but not to replace sachin. What i think is, Dhoni is really gifted. Yes, he had a chance to play with sachin.What i like to say is there is no one in this world to replace sachin and no one will born again to beat  sachin.

                  "Sachin loves his cricket more than his life. He wants to enjoy every minute that he plays. So, we should give the decision to him about his retirement. I can't even imagine about the cricket world without sachin and a swirl of emotions surrounds me whenever I think about his retirement.I am sure I will not watch cricket with the same passion after his retirement. I bet. all the sachin fans have the same emotions."
                People who were unaware of  sachin, please see his records below and I hope you will never say anyone  better than SACHIN in your lifetime again.

LIST OF RECORDS HELD BY SACHIN TENDULKAR1. Sachin Tendulkar is the Highest Run scorer in the One day Internationals
2. Sachin Tendulkar is the Highest Run scorer in the Test Cricket
3. Most number of hundreds in the ODI 46
4. Most number of hundreds in the Tests 47
5. Most number of nineties in the ODI
6. Most number of man of the matches in the ODI's -61
7. Most number of man of the series(15) in ODI's
8. Best average for man of the matches in ODI's
9. First Cricketer to pass 10000 run in the ODI
10. First Cricketer to pass 15000, 16000, 17000 run in the ODI
11. He is the highest run scorer in the world cup (1,796 at an average of 59.87 as on 20 March 2007)
12. Most number of the man of the matches in the world cup
13. Most number of runs 1996 world cup 523 runs in the 1996 Cricket World Cup at an average of 87.16
14. Most number of runs in the 2003 world cup 673 runs in 2003 Cricket World Cup, highest by any player in a single Cricket World Cup
15. Man of the Tournament in the 2003 Cricket World Cup.
16. Most number of Fifties in ODI's
17. He is the only player to be in top 10 ICC ranking for 10 years.
18. He is one of the three batsmen to surpass 11,000 runs in Test cricket, and the first Indian to do so.
19. First and only cricketer to get Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna. India's highest sporting honor
20. In 2003, Wisden rated Tendulkar as d No. 1 and Richards at No. 2 in all time Greatest ODI player
21. In 2002, Wisden rated him as the second greatest Test batsman after Sir Donald Bradman.
22. he was involved in unbroken 664-run partnership in a Harris Shield game in 1988 with friend and team mate Vinod Kambli.
23. Tendulkar is the only player to score a century in all three of his Ranji Trophy, Duleep Trophy and Irani Trophy debuts
24. In 1992, at the age of 19, Tendulkar became the first overseas born player to represent Yorkshire
25. Tendulkar has been granted the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, Arjuna Award and Padma vibhushan by Indian government. He is the only Indian cricketer to get all of them. And the only cricketer to receive Padma vibhushan.
26. Tendulkar has scored over 1000 runs in a calendar year in ODI's 8 times
27. Tendulkar has scored 1894 runs in calendar year in ODI's most by any batsman
28.First batsman in the history who was given out through third umpire.
29. He has the least percentage of the man of the matches awards won when team looses a match. Out of his 61 man of the match awards only 7 times India has lost.
30. Tendulkar most number man of match awards against Australia
31. Tendulkar was the first batsman in history to score over 50 centuries in international cricket 32. Tendulkar was the first batsman in history to score over 75 centuries in international cricket: 93 centuries
33. Has the most overall runs in cricket, (ODIs+Tests+Twenty20s), as of 30 June 2007 he had accumulated almost 26,000 runs overall.
34. Sachin Tendulkar with Sourav Ganguly hold the world record for the maximum number of runs scored by the opening partnership. They have put together 6,271 runs in 128 matches
35. The 20 century partnerships for opening pair with Sourav Ganguly is a world record
36. Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid hold the world record for the highest partnership in ODI matches when they scored 331 runs against New Zealand in 1999 (Sachin 186*, Dravid 153)
37. Sachin Tendulkar has been involved in six 200 run partnerships in ODI matches - a record that he shares with Sourav Ganguly and Rahul Dravid
38. Most Centuries in a calendar year: 9 ODI centuries in 1998
39. Only player to have over 100 innings of 50+ runs (41 Centuries and 87 Fifties)(as of 18th Nov, 2007)
40. the only player ever to cross the 13,000-14,000 - 15, 000and 16,000 run marks IN ODI. 41. He hit the fastest double century in any international match
42. Maximum number of 150 plus scores in ODIs
43. Tendulkar has scored over 1000 ODI runs against all major Cricketing nations.
44. Sachin was the fastest to reach 10,000 runs taking 259 innings and has the highest batting average among batsmen with over 10,000 ODI runs
45. Most number of Stadium Appearances: 90 different Grounds 46. Consecutive ODI Appearances: 185
47. On his debut, Sachin Tendulkar was the second youngest debutant in the world
48. When Tendulkar scored his maiden century in 1990, he was the second youngest to score a century
49. Tendulkar's record of five test centuries before he turned 20 is a current world record
50. Tendulkar holds the current record (217 against NZ in 1999/00 Season) for the highest score in Test cricket by an Indian when captaining the side
51. Tendulkar has scored centuries against all test playing nations. He was the third batman to achieve the distinction after Steve Waugh and Gary Kirsten
52. Tendulkar has 4 seasons in test cricket with 1000 or more runs - 2002 (1392 runs), 1999 (1088 runs), 2001 (1003 runs) and 1997 (1000 runs).[6] Gavaskar is the only other Indian with four seasons of 1000+ runs
53. He is second most number of seasons with over 1000 runs in world.
54. On 3 January 2007 Sachin Tendulkar (5751) edged past Brian Lara's (5736) world record of runs scored in Tests away from home
55. Tendulkar and Brian Lara are the fastest to score 10,000 runs in Test cricket history. Both of them achieved this in 195 innings
56. Second Indian after Sunil Gavaskar to make over 10,000 runs in Test matches
57. Became the first Indian to surpass the 11,000 Test run mark and the third International player behind Allan Border and Brian Lara.
58. Tendulkar is fourth on the list of players with most Test caps. Steve Waugh (168 Tests), Allan Border (158 Tests), have appeared in more games than Tendulkar.
59. Tendulkar has played the most number of Test Matches for India (Kapil Dev is second with 131 Test appearances).
60. First to 25,000 international runs
61. Tendulkar's 25,000+ runs in international cricket include 17000+ runs in ODI's, 13,000+ Tests runs and 10 runs in the lone Twenty20 that India has played.
62. On December 10, 2005, Tendulkar made his 35th century in Tests at Delhi against Sri Lanka. He surpassed Sunil Gavaskar's record of 34 centuries to become the man with the most number of hundreds in Test cricket.
63. Tendulkar is the only player who has 150 wkts and more than 15000 runs in ODI
64. Tendulkar is the only player who has 40 wkts and more than 11000 runs in Tests
65. Sachin hit the first double century in the 40 year history of one day internationals
66. Maximum number of boundaries in a single innings
67. Heighest score in ODI cricket 200* The list is endless.............

                                                          "WE LOVE SACHIN"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Tell Me About Your Friend, I Will Tell About Yourself"

                 Today is the day  i want to erase in my life.The day i  felt shame of my life. Infosys Campus Connect program is going on.As today is the first day, the staff who was incharge of that session, asked us to introduce ourself.But it's not a usual intro.He asked us to give an adjective before our name and that adjective should start with the first letter of our name and also we should tell what we like.And it's like a game, that after the first person introduces himself, the second one should tell what the first person had said and then he should introduces himself. Staff gave a minute for choosing a nice adjective for our name and everyone begun to think of a rocking name to describe themselves.
                  As we all discussing, myself and one of my friends were deeply thinking of an adjective. Here, I want to describe about myself a little. I am a kind of a person who wants to make fun and make everyone to laugh.And if someone asks me, "can you do this, if u have guts or if you are really brave enough" I will not think about what they asked to do rather to showoff myself  to them or whatever you called that, i will blindly do that.That's what happened here.I suggested name as, "Rocky Ramaguru". Then to describe myself, for  fun i just like that said a funny phrase as "I like Jockey briefs" to my friend. I actually didn't meant to say that. Then my friend suddenly told that if you are brave enough you should say that.
                As the third person, i was mindless and blindly said whatever he told me. Everyone laughed at that moment.So i didnt felt wrong. But, when the game continues i saw,the girls are waiting after us to tell all of our names.I saw that girls are not comfortable whenever they said my name. Really i felt very bad about what i did.
       What I like to share is, as a good friend he should warned me "not to speak like that , it will spoil your name". After all that happens, that friend told me, "dont you have mind.....dont u have sense of how to speak infront of all......." At that time, i felt like a sharp nail hit on my  forehead.

       But, really i dont want to throw away my fault on my friend. Actually, he is a close friend of mine.The whole day i felt sorry for what i did.And what i have learnt is that if you want to impress others in a good manner, you should think twice before you speak infront of all and the most important is that you should not carried away by what others are saying.They may force or stimulate you to speak what they feel shame to speak infornt of all..... So, please friends dont be carried away...

                                                          "BE YOURSELF"


Thursday, August 12, 2010

what i did for them......

              When i was born they feel happy and that is the only time till now i made them to feel happy... when i was a child they showed me love,care,affection and everything that i need without any expectation from me.... as i grew, during my schoolings they satisfy all of my wants like dresses,cycles,football n so on.... to make me to feel never be disappointed in any aspects of my life... and there also in turn i never did anything great to make them happy or proud about me, but i was too selfish in my happiness alone.... And the next step is my college life... they joined me here with heart full of dreams in hoping that atleast now i will be in a position to fulfilling their dreams... true to my knowledge,till now i had never taken a single step to achieve their dreams... not even considering their dreams as a duty for me..... As the time passes,and finally, now i feel too guilty about me.... through out my life i have enjoyed and keep enjoying everything with what they provided to me... and they never asks me anything to do for them... and my inner-heart asks me "WHAT I DID FOR THEM"... And the answer is simply "NOTHING"... felt so bad about me....And here comes my final chance to make them feel better about me...... And that's the placement.... their anticipation bounds over...believing that atleast now i satisfy them.....  they are asking me whether you will get placed??? and i told i'm planning for my higher studies... they are speechless...........

Monday, August 9, 2010

spark of my life.........

yeah... its me.....even i hav never thought of creating blogs........ its a decision came to me when i visited one of my classmate's blog which contains a bag full of gud posts n thoughts.... dat shows me how gud is to share such things...... i hav created dis blog just like that....... but i dont think whether i ll be that much active in posting like my friend did..... but one thing s for sure... i ll be awaiting for d posts of all of my friendz......